New York System Weiners

You will need to live in Rhode Island to even know what these are. This recipe will make a lot of wieners. Make the whole batch and freeze what you don’t use for another time.


  • 1 Pound 80/20 ground beef. Fine ground is best.
  • 2 Tablespoons oil (a little more if you have leaner hamburg)
  • 1 Tablespoon chili powder
  • 1 Tablespoon celery salt
  • Enough water to cover
  • Weiners and wiener buns
  • Toppings needed:
    -Yellow mustard
    -Finely chopped white onion
    -Celery salt


Break up hamburger and place in a medium saucepan with the oil, water and spices. Cover and simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally to break up the meat.

To serve: Cook the wieners on a flat pan, but do not brown. Steam the buns so they are soft and warm (in the microwave is fine). Place a wiener in a warm bun. Top with a little yellow mustard, a spoonful of wiener sauce, some chopped onion and a sprinkle of celery salt.

About The Net Gourmet 240 Articles
The Net Gourmet Just a guy who likes food, and likes to cook it.

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